ALEXANDRIA VFW OPOST 936 BINGO PAYOUTS UP TO $1,199 Mon, & Thurs. 5:30 . Wed. & Fri. 6pm Saturday Noon PULL TABS Flag Disposal Thursday, June 14 at 1 pm. Bring your old flags for proper disposal 51 NUMBERS OR LESS $2,000 CALL FOR TO DAYS PAY OUT! MEAT RAFFLE Friday Nigh Marine Corp League meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7 pm . WA meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 8 pm Always Open to the Public. Everyone Welcome! 1102 3rd Ave. E, Alexandria . 320-763-9221 OPEN Mon-Fri 1 pm-1 am . Sat 10am-1 am Gambling Lic. #00042-001