Celebrate SPRING OPEN HOUSE sq. ft. & Soup Luncheon Options Available Fri., March 21st 11:30am - 1:00pm Simplify Your Life Without the Hassle of Downsizing! Arabella MANOR 1810 Darling Ave. E Alexandria, MN 56308 arabellamanor.com Soup Luncheon A Dream Come True for 55 & Better! Can't Miss Event! Arabella EQUAL HOUSING REALTOR OPPORTUNITY MLS RANCH 258 Rodeo Rd. Alexandria, MN 56308 arabellaranch.com Desserts! Celebrate SPRING OPEN HOUSE sq . ft . & Soup Luncheon Options Available Fri. , March 21st 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Simplify Your Life Without the Hassle of Downsizing ! Arabella MANOR 1810 Darling Ave. E Alexandria , MN 56308 arabellamanor.com Soup Luncheon A Dream Come True for 55 & Better ! Can't Miss Event ! Arabella EQUAL HOUSING REALTOR OPPORTUNITY MLS RANCH 258 Rodeo Rd . Alexandria , MN 56308 arabellaranch.com Desserts !