FARMERS FAMILY FARM Fresh pst BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ANY 2-Scoop Sundaes $1 OFF ANY Regular Value Basket Caloo Catvo Expires 2a20. Repradutieons el tis coupon are t eceptnd. Shown -Sconp furRteny unda Expires 82320. Repraductions of his coupen are not acceptet Shown: Culver's Double Bacon Delse Regular Value Basket Cutver's otta Cutvers lnt w Culver's OUR DINING ROOM IS OPEN WITH LIMITED CAPACITY! DRIVE-THRU & PATIO ARE OPEN, WITH CARRY OUT AVAILABLE! Culver's of Alexandria 610 50th Ave W. Alexandria MN 56308 320-763-2266 FARMERS FAMILY FARM Fresh pst BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ANY 2-Scoop Sundaes $1 OFF ANY Regular Value Basket Caloo Catvo Expires 2a20. Repradutieons el tis coupon are t eceptnd. Shown -Sconp furRteny unda Expires 82320. Repraductions of his coupen are not acceptet Shown: Culver's Double Bacon Delse Regular Value Basket Cutver's otta Cutvers lnt w Culver's OUR DINING ROOM IS OPEN WITH LIMITED CAPACITY! DRIVE-THRU & PATIO ARE OPEN, WITH CARRY OUT AVAILABLE! Culver's of Alexandria 610 50th Ave W. Alexandria MN 56308 320-763-2266