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  • Published Date

    August 10, 2019
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FREE Entertainnent! Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday FABULOUS ARMADILLOS iWITNESS BAND TRIPWIRE SHANE MARTIN BAND RED LETTER BAND & TRIPWIRE JOHNSON BUILDING Demanstraton Stage Wedresday. Bragunst 14 Friday Cugust 16 Noo: Friends of the Library Apples for the Hame Garden Caring for Trees and Shrabs am Vegetable Gardening pm: Honey Bees 3pm DIY ChMren Painted Sairts Spm: Strawherries 7pm: Bueberwies Spm: Phursday Caigust 15 Saturday Gugust 17 1am Hardy Lilies pm Dividing Pareaaials 3pm DIY Adult Painted Aprens Spm Manarehs Tpm Planting New Trees am: loral Aanging Contest pm: Tomatoes 3pm: DIY Chindren Inspirational Rock Spm Backyard Composting 7pm: Garlie Maer Gardenen Seed Gt jor Wids of Gl es wailable fe EXTENSION esch day from 1am to 9pm Friday: 1-3pm Satarday 3-5pm HERITAGE Square dreday Ct Thday ut 15 Friday Crqust 16 Ehnie Pood demonions SENIOR CITIZEN DAY nic Pood demonattion in log Cabinlog Cabi Ehic Pood demonadons in leg Cabin Hatorical Socety Demoation on old way of doing tingsuch a bngloe ca Senior chb ndomaion bom ervice poovidecs o pogama for aeio pm STACE Gary Oylsen Receptisn for Outstanding Seniers and Century Farm Family Froe cale and coee in their honce. and Pare Cosatry STAGE p Narth Doer Tim and Kathy Ray Seia, Walace, Rous 30p Jam Seasion STAGE 1pm 12p 330pm Spm aty's Swing Band Ged Company and Sje Cetry 3:30pm The Three Gays DIY OPEN CLASS Enty Day Enter Your Project at the Fair for a Chance to Win! TUESDAY, AUGUST 13TH-IPM-8PM peojects e paiting towes poetry, cmice baing vegetable, or anything you'd Sor a chasce to wi CASH PRE Seper Pn Contet &Special Caegeries Ailable ee Youth Detail&Pe-Regatratin oand at DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR AUGUST 14-17,2019 300 FAIRGROUNDS RD. ALEXANDRIA lexandria Pabiie Sehosls CALENDAR OF EVENTS Located in the Old Schoolhouse TRIDAY, AUGUST 16 Discovery Middle Sehool & Alexandria Area High School Day WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 Abexandria Edacation Foundation Day m-om AlSchool Reunion: Show your Cardinal Pride and wear favoribe Cardinal attine 10-11am 1130-12 30pm Academic Fun 12pm 230-330pm Healthy Volceseathy Choices TechnologyRoboties At Showcase THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 Compass, Community Edueation, Tood & Nutrition Services Day am-330pm Compass, School Age Childcare Program 330pm Spm-Tom Activies Spodight 4-5pm SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 Prek-ementary & Transportation Day 10-11 30am Earty Education Center 1130-1pm 1230pm 230-4pm 4530pm s30-7pm Food & Nuition Services Community Education Woodland Elementary School Voyager Elementary School Music Showcase GarfeldMitenaCarles Elementary Scheols Lincoln Elementary School Transportation DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR AUGUST 14-17, 2019 Wed-Sat DIY Open Class mals EXHIBITOR: HERITAGE S FREE Entertainnent! Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday FABULOUS ARMADILLOS iWITNESS BAND TRIPWIRE SHANE MARTIN BAND RED LETTER BAND & TRIPWIRE JOHNSON BUILDING Demanstraton Stage Wedresday. Bragunst 14 Friday Cugust 16 Noo: Friends of the Library Apples for the Hame Garden Caring for Trees and Shrabs am Vegetable Gardening pm: Honey Bees 3pm DIY ChMren Painted Sairts Spm: Strawherries 7pm: Bueberwies Spm: Phursday Caigust 15 Saturday Gugust 17 1am Hardy Lilies pm Dividing Pareaaials 3pm DIY Adult Painted Aprens Spm Manarehs Tpm Planting New Trees am: loral Aanging Contest pm: Tomatoes 3pm: DIY Chindren Inspirational Rock Spm Backyard Composting 7pm: Garlie Maer Gardenen Seed Gt jor Wids of Gl es wailable fe EXTENSION esch day from 1am to 9pm Friday: 1-3pm Satarday 3-5pm HERITAGE Square dreday Ct Thday ut 15 Friday Crqust 16 Ehnie Pood demonions SENIOR CITIZEN DAY nic Pood demonattion in log Cabinlog Cabi Ehic Pood demonadons in leg Cabin Hatorical Socety Demoation on old way of doing tingsuch a bngloe ca Senior chb ndomaion bom ervice poovidecs o pogama for aeio pm STACE Gary Oylsen Receptisn for Outstanding Seniers and Century Farm Family Froe cale and coee in their honce. and Pare Cosatry STAGE p Narth Doer Tim and Kathy Ray Seia, Walace, Rous 30p Jam Seasion STAGE 1pm 12p 330pm Spm aty's Swing Band Ged Company and Sje Cetry 3:30pm The Three Gays DIY OPEN CLASS Enty Day Enter Your Project at the Fair for a Chance to Win! TUESDAY, AUGUST 13TH-IPM-8PM peojects e paiting towes poetry, cmice baing vegetable, or anything you'd Sor a chasce to wi CASH PRE Seper Pn Contet &Special Caegeries Ailable ee Youth Detail&Pe-Regatratin oand at DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR AUGUST 14-17,2019 300 FAIRGROUNDS RD. ALEXANDRIA lexandria Pabiie Sehosls CALENDAR OF EVENTS Located in the Old Schoolhouse TRIDAY, AUGUST 16 Discovery Middle Sehool & Alexandria Area High School Day WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 Abexandria Edacation Foundation Day m-om AlSchool Reunion: Show your Cardinal Pride and wear favoribe Cardinal attine 10-11am 1130-12 30pm Academic Fun 12pm 230-330pm Healthy Volceseathy Choices TechnologyRoboties At Showcase THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 Compass, Community Edueation, Tood & Nutrition Services Day am-330pm Compass, School Age Childcare Program 330pm Spm-Tom Activies Spodight 4-5pm SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 Prek-ementary & Transportation Day 10-11 30am Earty Education Center 1130-1pm 1230pm 230-4pm 4530pm s30-7pm Food & Nuition Services Community Education Woodland Elementary School Voyager Elementary School Music Showcase GarfeldMitenaCarles Elementary Scheols Lincoln Elementary School Transportation DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR AUGUST 14-17, 2019 Wed-Sat DIY Open Class mals EXHIBITOR: HERITAGE S