Move Better. Feel Better. Live Better. Free Virtual Talk: Common Orthopedic Conditions of the Hand & Wrist Please join us for a free VIRTUAL talk, where Dr. Aaron Balgaard will be discussing common orthopedic hand and wrist conditions. Featured Speaker: Aaron J. Balgaard, M.D. Date: Tuesday, March 25 Time: 5:00 p.m. Join us online from your computer, tablet, or smartphone by going to or scanning the QR code-you will need the Zoom app downloaded on your device to utilize the QR code. ALOMERE HEALTH Here for Life H HEARTLAND ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALISTS A Service of ALOMERE HEALTH Heartland fo Move Better . Feel Better . Live Better . Free Virtual Talk : Common Orthopedic Conditions of the Hand & Wrist Please join us for a free VIRTUAL talk , where Dr. Aaron Balgaard will be discussing common orthopedic hand and wrist conditions . Featured Speaker : Aaron J. Balgaard , M.D. Date : Tuesday , March 25 Time : 5:00 p.m. Join us online from your computer , tablet , or smartphone by going to or scanning the QR code - you will need the Zoom app downloaded on your device to utilize the QR code . ALOMERE HEALTH Here for Life H HEARTLAND ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALISTS A Service of ALOMERE HEALTH Heartland fo