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    November 15, 2024
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Open More this Annual Enrollment ENROLL BY DEC. 7, 2024 At PrimeWest Health, extra benefits are at the heart of what we offer because we care about our members. If you are 65+ and you get both Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and Medicare through PrimeWest Health, you get all the standard Medicare benefits plus extra benefits in 2025: HEALTHY FOOD & OVER-THE-COUNTER ITEMS $204 per month for healthy foods and over-the-counter items PRESCRIPTIONS No copays for covered prescription drugs VISION Special lenses like tint/polarized, anti-glare, and progressive DENTAL Crowns and replacement dentures PrimeWest HEALTH Talk to a live person in seconds: 1-800-366-2906 Learn more about extra benefits at: primewest.org/extrabenefits TTY Number: 1-800-627-3529 or 711 HOURS OF OPERATION: October 1 - March 31 7 days a week, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. PrimeWest HEALTH ADA Advisory or No English? memberservices@primewest.org 1-866-431-0801 TTY 711 Discrimination is against the law. PrimeWest Health will accept all eligible Beneficiaries who select or are assigned to PrimeWest Health without regard to medical condition, health status, receipt of health care services, claims experience, medical history, genetic information, disability (including mental or physical impairment), marital status, age, sex (including sex stereotypes and gender identity), sexual orientation, national origin, race, color, religion, creed or public assistance status. April 1 September 30 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. in H2416 PW 07-24_1047_M CMS Accepted 09/15/2024/DHS Approved 09/09/2024 Open More this Annual Enrollment ENROLL BY DEC . 7 , 2024 At PrimeWest Health , extra benefits are at the heart of what we offer because we care about our members . If you are 65+ and you get both Medical Assistance ( Medicaid ) and Medicare through PrimeWest Health , you get all the standard Medicare benefits plus extra benefits in 2025 : HEALTHY FOOD & OVER - THE - COUNTER ITEMS $ 204 per month for healthy foods and over - the - counter items PRESCRIPTIONS No copays for covered prescription drugs VISION Special lenses like tint / polarized , anti - glare , and progressive DENTAL Crowns and replacement dentures PrimeWest HEALTH Talk to a live person in seconds : 1-800-366-2906 Learn more about extra benefits at : primewest.org/extrabenefits TTY Number : 1-800-627-3529 or 711 HOURS OF OPERATION : October 1 - March 31 7 days a week , 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. PrimeWest HEALTH ADA Advisory or No English ? memberservices@primewest.org 1-866-431-0801 TTY 711 Discrimination is against the law . PrimeWest Health will accept all eligible Beneficiaries who select or are assigned to PrimeWest Health without regard to medical condition , health status , receipt of health care services , claims experience , medical history , genetic information , disability ( including mental or physical impairment ) , marital status , age , sex ( including sex stereotypes and gender identity ) , sexual orientation , national origin , race , color , religion , creed or public assistance status . April 1 September 30 Monday - Friday , 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. in H2416 PW 07-24_1047_M CMS Accepted 09 / 15 / 2024 / DHS Approved 09/09/2024