The Pro-Ag Experts will be at the Douglas County Fair August 17-20 PREUZ 110 STOP BY OUR BOOTH & ASK ABOUT OUR LOYALTY DISCOUNT PROGRAM. COUNHERY STORI 806 22nd Ave. E, Alexandria 320-763-5445 RO HOURS: Monday - Saturday 8am-5pm FARMERS CO-OP f@proagcsalex Pro-Ag Country Store - A Better Way To Grow! We will help you find the right products, order it and carry them out to you! Alexandria's Fertilizer, Herbicide and Lawn Seed Headquarters The Pro - Ag Experts will be at the Douglas County Fair August 17-20 PREUZ 110 STOP BY OUR BOOTH & ASK ABOUT OUR LOYALTY DISCOUNT PROGRAM . COUNHERY STORI 806 22nd Ave. E , Alexandria 320-763-5445 RO HOURS : Monday - Saturday 8 am-5pm FARMERS CO - OP f @ proagcsalex Pro - Ag Country Store - A Better Way To Grow ! We will help you find the right products , order it and carry them out to you ! Alexandria's Fertilizer , Herbicide and Lawn Seed Headquarters