16th Annual Take a Stand Against Domestic Violence Tuesday, October 18, 2022 4:30pm Zion Lutheran Church, Alexandria SPEAKER: JENNA, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SURVIVOR FREE T-SHIRTS & FOOD A Providing free and confidential crime victim advocacy services to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and exploitation, human and labor trafficking, and other crimes (including: stalking, elder abuse, identity theft, robbery, etc.). www.someplacesafe.info someplace safe SAFETY. OPTIONS. HOPE. ADVOCACY OFFICE THRIFT STORE 320-762-1995 320-763-4677 22nd Annual Domestic Abuse Awareness Luncheon Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11:45am - 1:00pm Arrowwood Resort Center Tickets $20- available at Glenwood State Bank in Alexandria SPEAKER: Sherry Ann Bruckner, J.D. "Empowering Peace" 16th Annual Take a Stand Against Domestic Violence Tuesday , October 18 , 2022 4:30 pm Zion Lutheran Church , Alexandria SPEAKER : JENNA , DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SURVIVOR FREE T - SHIRTS & FOOD A Providing free and confidential crime victim advocacy services to victims and survivors of domestic violence , sexual assault and exploitation , human and labor trafficking , and other crimes ( including : stalking , elder abuse , identity theft , robbery , etc. ) . www.someplacesafe.info someplace safe SAFETY . OPTIONS . HOPE . ADVOCACY OFFICE THRIFT STORE 320-762-1995 320-763-4677 22nd Annual Domestic Abuse Awareness Luncheon Wednesday , October 19 , 2022 11:45 am - 1:00 pm Arrowwood Resort Center Tickets $ 20- available at Glenwood State Bank in Alexandria SPEAKER : Sherry Ann Bruckner , J.D. " Empowering Peace "