HAPPILY EVER AFTER BEGINS WITH Spa Mala Fractional Opus Plasma Opus Plasma is an innovative facial skin rejuvenation treatment. Kick-starting the body's natural healing processes. It only targets the skin's surface to smooth away imperfections on the face, which allows for minimal downtime and no anesthesia Laser Hair Removal with Soprano Ice Diode Soprano ICE offers breakthrough technology using a diode laser, allowing for better energy absorption while safely removing unwanted body hair. The patented contact cooling technology keeps your skin cool and comfortable and provides long-lasting solutions with no recovery time. Perfect for men and women. Personal, Private, and Professional Care with a Certified Technician. (320) 219-4453 SPA-NALA.COM Located Downtown Alexandria spa nala MEDICAL SPA Experience the Evolution HAPPILY EVER AFTER BEGINS WITH Spa Mala Fractional Opus Plasma Opus Plasma is an innovative facial skin rejuvenation treatment . Kick - starting the body's natural healing processes . It only targets the skin's surface to smooth away imperfections on the face , which allows for minimal downtime and no anesthesia Laser Hair Removal with Soprano Ice Diode Soprano ICE offers breakthrough technology using a diode laser , allowing for better energy absorption while safely removing unwanted body hair . The patented contact cooling technology keeps your skin cool and comfortable and provides long - lasting solutions with no recovery time . Perfect for men and women . Personal , Private , and Professional Care with a Certified Technician . ( 320 ) 219-4453 SPA-NALA.COM Located Downtown Alexandria spa nala MEDICAL SPA Experience the Evolution