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  • Published Date

    October 14, 2021
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CROWN JEWELRY Is buying at Hampton Inn and Suites - Alexandria (behind Cub on Broadway) 2705 South Broadway St. MONDAY ER 18 9AM TO 5PM TUESDAY ER 19 9AM TO 5PM Most of the time there is no waiting! 2 DAYS ONLY! Buying large diamonds We specialize in Rolex Watches Paying high prices on coin collections COINS Gold and Silver Bullion Silver Coins 1964 and Older Silver Dolars - Morgan and Peace Kennedy Clad Halt Dolars (1965 - 1970) Eagles, Maples and Krugerrands 999 Siver 100oz, 10oz and toz Bars Franklin and Danbury Mint Large and Smal Coin Colections Gold Coins Foreign Coins Mint and Proof Bets Cons and Bars Sterling Coins and Bars Paper Currency Siver and Gold Certificates Commemorative Coins US Notes National Currency All Jewelry Large-Size Notes A Kart Gewry O Csg Buying Select: Nugget Jewery Dertal Gold P mwery Antique and Vintge wey Broken, Uweae Jeweiry Coume y Pre 1970 basebal cards and other sports cards Vintage Tin and Cast ron Toys Rare Hamms items Rare Fountain Pens German Mtary ww 2 and older US Stamp colections that are unued Pre 1920 Postcarde A Typen and Quarttes Conaidered ALL STERLING ITEMS N Siverware, Jewelry, Medalions, Candle Holders, Platters, Etc. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Gather items of interest from your attic, safe Watches deposit box, garage or basement. There is no limit to the items you can bring in to us: Rolex Al Major Brands Considered Omega, Cartier, Tudor, Breitling Vintage Watches Chronographs Pocket Watches No appointment necessary We will review your Rems. If you are interested in seling your items, we will make you an offer on the spot. *t you decide to accept our offer, we will pay you on the spot in either cash or check. You get 100% of the offer with no hidden fees Please come in for our offert Buying vintage guitars and amps GOLD IS AT RECORD HIGHS CROWN JEWELRY 952-404-1323 FOR A HOME VISIT, PLEASE CALL TODAY TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT. 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! R DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! CROWN JEWELRY Is buying at Hampton Inn and Suites - Alexandria (behind Cub on Broadway) 2705 South Broadway St. MONDAY ER 18 9AM TO 5PM TUESDAY ER 19 9AM TO 5PM Most of the time there is no waiting! 2 DAYS ONLY! Buying large diamonds We specialize in Rolex Watches Paying high prices on coin collections COINS Gold and Silver Bullion Silver Coins 1964 and Older Silver Dolars - Morgan and Peace Kennedy Clad Halt Dolars (1965 - 1970) Eagles, Maples and Krugerrands 999 Siver 100oz, 10oz and toz Bars Franklin and Danbury Mint Large and Smal Coin Colections Gold Coins Foreign Coins Mint and Proof Bets Cons and Bars Sterling Coins and Bars Paper Currency Siver and Gold Certificates Commemorative Coins US Notes National Currency All Jewelry Large-Size Notes A Kart Gewry O Csg Buying Select: Nugget Jewery Dertal Gold P mwery Antique and Vintge wey Broken, Uweae Jeweiry Coume y Pre 1970 basebal cards and other sports cards Vintage Tin and Cast ron Toys Rare Hamms items Rare Fountain Pens German Mtary ww 2 and older US Stamp colections that are unued Pre 1920 Postcarde A Typen and Quarttes Conaidered ALL STERLING ITEMS N Siverware, Jewelry, Medalions, Candle Holders, Platters, Etc. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Gather items of interest from your attic, safe Watches deposit box, garage or basement. There is no limit to the items you can bring in to us: Rolex Al Major Brands Considered Omega, Cartier, Tudor, Breitling Vintage Watches Chronographs Pocket Watches No appointment necessary We will review your Rems. If you are interested in seling your items, we will make you an offer on the spot. *t you decide to accept our offer, we will pay you on the spot in either cash or check. You get 100% of the offer with no hidden fees Please come in for our offert Buying vintage guitars and amps GOLD IS AT RECORD HIGHS CROWN JEWELRY 952-404-1323 FOR A HOME VISIT, PLEASE CALL TODAY TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT. 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! R DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY!