Due to Brewery and Distributor shortages, we cannot guarantee inventory on sale items. Rain checks will not be given. We apologize for the inconvenience. Michelob Ultra ULTRAJ -I- 26 ULTRAT ULTRA 95 12 12 24 pack 12 oz. $23.95 cans or bottles BUD LIGHT Clamato Chelada Bud Light Chelada 12 pack cans $14.95 BEER Hamms Hamm's Hamm's Bum in the band of by the wa 30 pack $1695 12 oz. cans Pfeiffer Pfeiffer's Famous Beer 6 pack cans January HESS SELECT $795 WINE FEATURE Hess Select Wines 750 ml Chard & Sauv. Blanc GREAT PRICES on Over 1,000 Wines on Sale Every Day! $9.99 Cab & Pinot Noir $1199 Pacifico & Victoria CerveceriaPacific, PACIFICO CLARA Imported Beer Manali Mic 12 pack cans or bottles SALE PRICES GOOD January 19 - 26, 2025 $14.95 STILLY VODKA STILLY VODKA STILLY BLUE M BLUE MOON MOON Stilly Vodka Stilly 6 pack cans $1295 Primo Amore BELGI NON-ALCOHOLIC GIAN WHIT BELGIAN HITE WHITE Blue Moon Non-alcoholic 6 pack cans $795 Busch Light BUSCH LIGHT Sauk Centre & Albertville LIGHT stores ONLY BUSCH 36 pack 12 oz. cans Lupulin Bob Feuling Brown Ale WESTSIDE LIQUOR $2895 & SMOKE SHOP www.westsideliquor.com 4 pack 16 oz. cans $1195 WINE Mark Barefoot Wines Windsor Canadian Moscato (all varieties) 750 ml 750 ml BAREFOOT MOSCATO $1099 $4.99 All 3 Liter Box Wines PRICES GOOD AT Albertville, Sauk Centre, Waite Park, St. Cloud, Sartell, Baxter, Rice & Little Falls West Wines (Cab, Chard Pinot Noir) 750 ml $8.99 20% Sauk Centre 1227 Timberlane Drive 320-352-5920 MARK WEST Whisky 1.75 liter $14.95 Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 1.75 liter $1095 Albertville 11095 61st NE 763-497-7789 MON.-SAT. 8 am-10 pm SUN. 11am - 6pm Admiral Nelson's SUMMIT MALANIALAS WINDSOR eta Beer of the Month SUMMIT SUMMIT MALASIALAS Summit Nialas Non-alcoholic 6 pack cans $795 Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey 1.75 liter $2295 LIQUOR Burnett's Vodka 1.75 liter $1095 REBAL Monday - Senior Day 10% off non-sale liquor or wine (60 Years of Age or Better) BURNETT'S VODKA ATHLETIC BREWING C Athletic Brewing Non-alcoholic 12 pack cans $1695 Mr. Boston 5 Star Brandy Bourbon of the Month Knob Creek Single Barrel Bourbon 750 ml $4995 KNOB CREEK Tuesday - Wine Day 15% off single bottles or 20% off cases of non-sale wines 1.75 liter $1195 Mr. BOSTON FIVE STAR BRANDY Tequila of the Month Casamigos Blanco Tequila 750 ml $39.95 Wednesday - Beer Day 10% off select packages of non-sale beer Due to Brewery and Distributor shortages , we cannot guarantee inventory on sale items . Rain checks will not be given . We apologize for the inconvenience . Michelob Ultra ULTRAJ -I- 26 ULTRAT ULTRA 95 12 12 24 pack 12 oz . $ 23.95 cans or bottles BUD LIGHT Clamato Chelada Bud Light Chelada 12 pack cans $ 14.95 BEER Hamms Hamm's Hamm's Bum in the band of by the wa 30 pack $ 1695 12 oz . cans Pfeiffer Pfeiffer's Famous Beer 6 pack cans January HESS SELECT $ 795 WINE FEATURE Hess Select Wines 750 ml Chard & Sauv . Blanc GREAT PRICES on Over 1,000 Wines on Sale Every Day ! $ 9.99 Cab & Pinot Noir $ 1199 Pacifico & Victoria CerveceriaPacific , PACIFICO CLARA Imported Beer Manali Mic 12 pack cans or bottles SALE PRICES GOOD January 19 - 26 , 2025 $ 14.95 STILLY VODKA STILLY VODKA STILLY BLUE M BLUE MOON MOON Stilly Vodka Stilly 6 pack cans $ 1295 Primo Amore BELGI NON - ALCOHOLIC GIAN WHIT BELGIAN HITE WHITE Blue Moon Non - alcoholic 6 pack cans $ 795 Busch Light BUSCH LIGHT Sauk Centre & Albertville LIGHT stores ONLY BUSCH 36 pack 12 oz . cans Lupulin Bob Feuling Brown Ale WESTSIDE LIQUOR $ 2895 & SMOKE SHOP www.westsideliquor.com 4 pack 16 oz . cans $ 1195 WINE Mark Barefoot Wines Windsor Canadian Moscato ( all varieties ) 750 ml 750 ml BAREFOOT MOSCATO $ 1099 $ 4.99 All 3 Liter Box Wines PRICES GOOD AT Albertville , Sauk Centre , Waite Park , St. Cloud , Sartell , Baxter , Rice & Little Falls West Wines ( Cab , Chard Pinot Noir ) 750 ml $ 8.99 20 % Sauk Centre 1227 Timberlane Drive 320-352-5920 MARK WEST Whisky 1.75 liter $ 14.95 Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 1.75 liter $ 1095 Albertville 11095 61st NE 763-497-7789 MON . - SAT . 8 am - 10 pm SUN . 11am - 6pm Admiral Nelson's SUMMIT MALANIALAS WINDSOR eta Beer of the Month SUMMIT SUMMIT MALASIALAS Summit Nialas Non - alcoholic 6 pack cans $ 795 Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey 1.75 liter $ 2295 LIQUOR Burnett's Vodka 1.75 liter $ 1095 REBAL Monday - Senior Day 10 % off non - sale liquor or wine ( 60 Years of Age or Better ) BURNETT'S VODKA ATHLETIC BREWING C Athletic Brewing Non - alcoholic 12 pack cans $ 1695 Mr. Boston 5 Star Brandy Bourbon of the Month Knob Creek Single Barrel Bourbon 750 ml $ 4995 KNOB CREEK Tuesday - Wine Day 15 % off single bottles or 20 % off cases of non - sale wines 1.75 liter $ 1195 Mr. BOSTON FIVE STAR BRANDY Tequila of the Month Casamigos Blanco Tequila 750 ml $ 39.95 Wednesday - Beer Day 10 % off select packages of non - sale beer