usau es WHY BUILD WITH US? Only Wausau Homes builds fully custom one of a kind, superior quality homes- from floor plans to finishes with a firm price and move in date, guaranteed. WAUSAU HOMES ALEXANDRIA 320.460.1771 94 West Homes, LLC MN License #BC755252 COOKIE CUTTERS ARE FINE FOR COOKIES WE'D RATHER MAKE CUSTOM BUILT HOMES You eber f usau es WHY BUILD WITH US? Only Wausau Homes builds fully custom one of a kind, superior quality homes- from floor plans to finishes with a firm price and move in date, guaranteed. WAUSAU HOMES ALEXANDRIA 320.460.1771 94 West Homes, LLC MN License #BC755252 COOKIE CUTTERS ARE FINE FOR COOKIES WE'D RATHER MAKE CUSTOM BUILT HOMES You eber f