Tausau omes WHY BUILD WITH US? Only Wausau Homes builds fully custom one of a kind, superior quality homes - from floor plans to finishes with a firm price and move in date, guaranteed. WAUSAU HOMES ALEXANDRIA 320,460.1771 whalexandria@wausauhomes.com wausauhomes.com 94 West Homes, LLC MN License BC755252 COOKIE CUTTERS ARE FINE FOR COOKIES WE'D RATHER MAKE CUSTOM BUILT HOMES You Tubel Tausau omes WHY BUILD WITH US? Only Wausau Homes builds fully custom one of a kind, superior quality homes - from floor plans to finishes with a firm price and move in date, guaranteed. WAUSAU HOMES ALEXANDRIA 320,460.1771 whalexandria@wausauhomes.com wausauhomes.com 94 West Homes, LLC MN License BC755252 COOKIE CUTTERS ARE FINE FOR COOKIES WE'D RATHER MAKE CUSTOM BUILT HOMES You Tubel